The character creator can be a complex tool and therefore it is better to treat it like a creation tool similar to other programs, but for the in-app features of Fvne.
You will never have to use all the features within the app to make a good looking and functioning character.
It really depends on you, the creator.
In FVNE, it is easy to start learning by example.
From then on, you can fiddle around with the apps features on its Upper Left Menu Bar,
or the vertical menus (Outliner and Properties) on the Right where the actual work that goes in creating the character.
When looking into the character, play around and see how you can navigate and make edits to the existing character.
It is recommended that you keep on reading this page and learn about:
Camera Controls and Menu names and function, although you may skip and start Creating a New Character.
The upper Left menu bar holds many options which are important when progressing with creating a character.
The Menu bar also shows you certain Keyboard shortcuts to familiarize yourself to, so keep that in mind.
The big vertical menus to the right is where you will make most of, if not all the details that make a character.
Outliner is your menu for selecting each item within the character such as: Colours, Body parts, Bone Shapes, Masks & Layers, external Parts, Fur and Fluff Decorations as well as some advanced features like Clothing and Custom Offsets. Generally it is where you navigate around the details of your character.
Note: some options have a Right click function that opens up extra actions for you to use. Such as moving them up or down, deleting or exporting or creating duplicates.
Tip: It is recommended to collapse each section (Body, Head, Hands, Privates etc) when you believe those areas will not be touched any more, just for the sake of cleaning the workspace and making things easier to read.
Properties is where you can make the meaningful changes based on your Outliner selection.
For example: at the Outliner Character > Name (very top) you can now see in the Properties the function of giving your character a name.
Another example: at the Outliner Colouration > Colours, the properties menu will display the characters colours for you to make edits on.
Next Page [New Character]